Outcome I: Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).

This learning outcome is focused on revising in ways that strengthen the ideas and structure of a project between first and final drafts, and in final editing/proofreading at the end of a project.

Introduction: Throughout my time in English 110, we would continuously learn about new ideas that we would eventually integrate into our paper. We wrote many smaller essays that we combined into our final paper. The research paper wouldn’t be what it was without, of course, the research. Adding research was not only a way to strengthen our paper, but to learn more about the topic we chose to write about. The most helpful step of the writing process was definitely the peer editing process. I was lucky enough where my peer gave me some good praise, but also constructive criticism that would help make my paper much better. Above all, I think writing this research paper taught me a lot about writing styles. We learned how to connect multiple subjects into one, use research, and use signal phrases. Most importantly though, I learned what writing styles work best for me for any future writing assignments.